The Kerrigan
Savage Waves Charitable Trust
Charity No: 1063921
The charity, known as Waves,was
set up as a memorial to Kerrigan Savage.
Kerrigan was working for Barclays Bank in Nairobi, Kenya, when he died
in a motor accident on 5 April 1996. He was 26 years old. During
his training with Barclays in the UK and in Kenya he become
aware of the plight of so many disadvantaged children. It
therefore seemed right and appropriate that a charity
to operate in this sphere would provide a fitting
tribute. Waves
focuses on bringing
pleasure and some fun to children
and in doing so to provide them
with "hope for a better life".
So many children simply
never get the chance
to be children.
Why Waves?
An individual’s impact can be
judged like a pebble dropped in a pool. The waves go out to the bank and
are reflected back to make an ever-increasing number and variety of
waves – be they good or bad.
Kerrigan made a good, big splash and his
waves continue to touch many lives in the UK and in Kenya.
logo shows the water and in the waves there is the figure of Kerrigan
illustrated as he always drew himself. On letters and cards that he sent
home from his travels this little person would be there, waving happily
to all his friends and family.